
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Getting to Know Each Other

Could it be possible that we have a second child as easy and laid back as Miranda?

Phoebe woke this morning at 5:35 a.m. with a shriek, but calmed easily when we reminded her of where she is. Other than those 20 seconds, we haven't really heard her cry. She makes a little click at the back of her throat when she feels uncertain, but really no crying. She seemed so serious until late this morning when she started to get silly. Mark taught her to stick out her tongue, which she considers a great game, and she learned to blow raspberries at us. She likes to be tickled, and arches her back to bend over backwards and giggle. We lugged her to no fewer than three government office filled with crying babies this morning, with bus rides in between each one, and she simply went with the flow. She got a bath last night-- no problem. And boy can this kiddo eat. This morning she ate fruit, rice soup, tofu, and eggs. When a noodle lands with half in her mouth and the other half hanging down her chin, she slurps it up like a cartoon. Mark was carelessly danging his empty chopsticks in front of her, and she opened her little mouth like a bird, lurching for them. She sucks her thumb when she is tired, and pulls up her shirt to cuddle with. Luckily for us, she goes to both Mark and me, and takes her bottle at room temperature without regard to the type of nipple or cup. In short, I can't imagine this going better.

At the adoption office this morning, we signed the papers to make Phoebe our daughter, officially. Now there is nothing left to do in Nanchang other than bond and play, and we'll be here straight through Friday.

This morning we had a Skype date with Miranda (and her grandparents). Mark got this nervous voice as he said hello to her, saying, "Sweetheart, we want to show you something, and we don't want it to upset you." When Phoebe came into the picture, she smiled and leaned towards the screen, saying, "Phoebe!" I'm sure jealousy will come, but right now, even when we haven't seen her for a week and then show up holding a strange baby, she seems to be taking it well. We miss Miranda like crazy.

Off to the doctor appointment, next. . .


  1. I am so happy for you!!!! Can't wait to meet her!!!

  2. I'm thrilled that everything is going well. She's beautiful. Enjoy getting to know her.

  3. Congratulations! she is beautiful!

  4. Congratulations from Morocco! I'm so happy Pheobe is finaly in your arms, she is a doll. I can't wait to meet her. We miss you all!

