
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jet lagged in Beijing

You can't imagine the itinerary yesterday! There we were, two buses full of jet lagged American families following their guides instructions to the T, as in "You have 10 minutes here, then meet me back here," and "It is time to use the bathroom."

We started in Tian'an men Square, a huge expanse of concrete that holds 500,000 people, where people line up for hours for the chance to file quickly by the embalmed body of Chairman Mao. Then on to the forbidden city, with enormous gates and plazas, full of thousands and thousands of people, finally getting to a lovely courtyard where the concubines' bedroom was the most elegant and tasteful place of all. We walked three miles on that tour in 90+ degree heat and sun. Then a stop for lunch before getting to the Great Wall, where we climbed up up up remarkably steep steps. How is it that the astronauts can see it from space when it is just six feet wide at places? Back on the bus, with a stop for a photo shoot from the distance of Bird's Nest Olympic stadium. Then a one hour break to grab dinner and shower before heading to a Chinese acrobat show, where the ten-women-on-a-bike routine and the tap-dancing juggler where particularly impressive. You can imagine the silence on the bus, 9:00 p.m., upon return. That was one tired crowd.

The schedule says that today the group splits up and heads to all the different provinces where the babies are. Surprise news yesterday: The babies are coming TODAY! By tonight, Phoebe will be in our care. I wonder where she is this morning, and if she has any sense for the change she is about to go through.

Time to pack the diaper bag!


  1. and my friend Kirsten is in labor! You will both meet your babies about the same time!! Can't wait for news and for photos of Phoebe in YOUR arms! (oops and I'm logged on as her too. On her computer in the hospital) this is Rachel :)

  2. Congrats!! can't wait to see her in your arms.
